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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Best Jogging Strollers

Dreamer Design Rebound Lite (Around $250)

Best jogging stroller.According to reviewers, the Dreamer Design Rebound Lite is the best value in a jogging stroller. With its 16-inch air-filled tires, fixed front wheel and shock absorbers, experts say it’s great for running and fitness walking. Its height-adjustable handle makes this stroller a good choice for parents of differing heights, and its bubble canopy is widely praised as the best jogging-stroller sun canopy on the market. At 24.5 pounds, the Dreamer Rebound Lite is a little heavier than the lightest jogging strollers, but it’s also $100 less expensive than other top-rated strollers like the BOB Ironman (Around $360). The Dreamer Rebound also has a high child weight capacity of 85 pounds.

Baby Trend Expedition (Around $100)

Budget jogging stroller.Reviewers say the Baby Trend Expedition is the best budget jogging stroller for fitness walking and the occasional run. The 27-pound Expedition has an aluminum frame, adjustable sun canopy and 16-inch bicycle tires. Its front wheel does not swivel, so the Expedition is not as maneuverable indoors as all-terrain strollers. Unlike the Dreamer Rebound Lite, the Expedition has a parent tray with two cup holders and a removable child tray. However, some owners say the Expedition is bulky and tricky to close, and reviewers say it's not as durable as pricier jogging strollers.

Mountain Buggy Urban Single (Around $430)

Best all-terrain stroller.It’s expensive, but reviews say the Mountain Buggy Urban stroller is excellent on trails, gravel or just neighborhood strolls (it’s not meant for jogging). Its swiveling front wheel makes negotiating store aisles easier, and the wheel can be locked for better off-road stability. The 22-pound Urban has a height-adjustable handle and large storage basket. What sets it apart from most other three-wheeled strollers is that its fully reclining seat makes it appropriate for newborns. Although other strollers cost less, the full-featured Urban is top-rated overall.

Phil & Teds Sport Buggy (Around $400)

All-terrain stroller, convertible to double stroller.The Phil & Teds Sport Buggy is another highly rated, durable all-terrain stroller (not intended for jogging). What distinguishes this model from others is its unique ability to convert into a double stroller with an optional kit (*est. $90). The second seat installs above or below the main stroller seat. Reviewers say the Sport Buggy is great for parents who anticipate needing a double stroller, but don't want the added width or length of a traditional twin stroller. Otherwise, the three-wheeled, 21-pound Sport Buggy has adjustable-height handles, plenty of storage and a fully reclining seat (so it's appropriate for newborns). Its swiveling front wheel makes it easy to maneuver.

InStep Safari (Around $130)

Budget all-terrain stroller.The InStep Safari (also sold as the Schwinn Safari) isn't meant for jogging, but it does have a swiveling front wheel for better everyday maneuverability. Reviews say the InStep is a great value for parents who want a three-wheeled stroller but don't want to jog with it or spend $400. The Safari has a storage basket, as well as an adjustable handlebar, a child tray, a parent accessory tray and a partly reclining seat. Reviewers say it’s easy to fold and maneuver, and at 21 pounds, it’s not too heavy. The InStep Safari isn’t made to stand up to the same abuse as pricier all-terrain strollers, but reviews say it’s a good value.

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