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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Finis SwiMP3 v.2 Waterproof MP3 Music Player

Great swimming companion

It works! Music while swimming! "Good enough" sound.

Storage space, multi-function buttons.

The Bottom Line
Want music while swimming? This is the best alternative.

I love this product. It works great and the sound quality is sufficient to entertain me while I'm doing long swim workouts. An added bonus for me: with the bone conduction technology I can wear earplugs to keep water out of my ears. I bought a waterproof case for my I-Pod shuffle (which I love) and have used two other waterproof earphones (which I hated). I didn't want to have to buy another MP3 player, but am glad that I did with the purchase of this product.

It works, and is simple to use. You plug it into your computer USB port to charge, and although it only has 256MB of storage space it is really easy to update songs and podcasts when it's charging. It attaches (clips on easily) to my favorite goggles and rests comfortably on my cheek bones. Once it's turned on, especially in the shuffle mode, I never have to think about it again. It stays in place and gives me constant company lap to lap to lap.

My only complaint are the multi-function buttons which control both volume and track. You press and HOLD to raise or lower volume. If you don't hold the button long enough it skips or starts over the track I'm playing. I rarely have this problem any longer, once I became accustomed to the controls.

Finally, don't forget to use your computer's "safely remove hardwear" button before detaching it from the USB port. Otherwise you'll have to reset the device and reload all your music before it will work.

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